Security & Data Redaction

Supergood ensures that sensitive data will never leave your server, unless you explicitly allow it. In order to accomplish this, the following configuration options are available on the Supergood clients.

In order for the Supergood client to know which fields to redact, a remote configuration fetch is performed upon initialization and once every few seconds after that. Please note that if the parameter useRemoteConfig is set to false, and either of the following two flags are set, all fields will always be redacted.


This configuration flag is available in all clients: Ruby, NodeJS, Python and GoLang.

  clientId: process.env.SUPERGOOD_CLIENT_ID,
  clientSecret: process.env.SUPERGOOD_CLIENT_SECRET,
  config: {
    forceRedactAll: true

This flag will force every value to be nulled out and replaced only by it's metadata which includes the key's name and path, data type, and size. If this flag is set, all values will be nulled out regardless of what is configured in the Supergood Dashboard.

As an example,

This input:

  name: 'Alex',
  address: {
    street_number: 123,
    street_address: 'Fake Street',
    city: 'San Francisco',
  tags: ['developer', 'engineer', documentation']

Will be nulled out, and sent to Supergood as:

  name: 'string:4',
  address: {
    street_number: 'integer:3',
    street_address: 'string:11',
    city: 'string:13',
  tags: ['string:9', 'string:8', 'string:13']


This configuration flag is only available in the NodeJS and GoLang clients.

  clientId: process.env.SUPERGOOD_CLIENT_ID,
  clientSecret: process.env.SUPERGOOD_CLIENT_SECRET,
  config: {
    redactByDefault: true

This flag behaves similarly to forceRedactAll as it nulls out all values, but it will respect the sensitive keys specified by the remote configuration. If no remote configuration is available, it redacts the values by default.

In order to configure the sensitive keys to redact:

  1. Head to

  2. Click on the "Endpoints" tab on the left hand side.

  3. Use the filters at the top to find the Project and Endpoint you wish to configure.

  4. Click on the "Sensitive Keys" button on the row, and the panel will come out of the right side of the screen.

  5. Scroll down to the payload view, and click on values you wish to mark as sensitive.

  6. Click save when you're done.

In order to configure sensitive keys to be allowed, follow the same flow as above, but either press the garbage can icon on the right hand side, or unselect a value in the payload by clicking a pink-highlighted value. Then press "save".

Depending on the cadence of your configuration fetch, you might need to wait up to 10 seconds for the changes to be reflected in the client. You can change the cadence in which you fetch the configuration by updating the corresponding config variable.

Last updated