
Go Client Instantiation

This page describes possible parameter configurations. Pass any desired configuration to the new function.


Default: ""

ClientID can be found on It defaults to the SUPERGOOD_CLIENT_ID environment variable if not provided.


ClientSecret can be found on It defaults to the SUPERGOOD_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable if not provided.

The following parameters in this guide can bee configured directly in the Supergood dashboard without having to explicitly set it in the Go client constructor.


Default: False

ForceRedactAll is a boolean which when enabled will remove all values from the leaves of the request and response bodies as well as any headers in your payload. Supergood will still forward the keys of the request and response bodies.


RedactRequestBodyKeys is a map of top level domains to a list of key paths within the request body of values to be redacted.

RedactRequestBodyKeys: map[string][]string{
	"": []string{"[].field"},


RedactRequestHeaderKeys is a map of top level domains to a list of keys within the request headers of values to be redacted

RedactRequestHeaderKeys: map[string][]string{
	"": []string{"client-id", "client-secret},


RedactResponseBodyKeys is a map of top level domains to a list of key paths within the response body of values to be redacted.

RedactResponseBodyKeys: map[string][]string{
	"": []string{"[].field"},


RedactResponseHeaderKeys is a map of top level domains to a list of keys within the response headers of values to be redacted

RedactResponseHeaderKeys: map[string][]string{
	"": []string{"client-id", "client-secret},


Default: []

List of strings to match against the host of the request URL in order to determine whether or not to log the request to Supergood, based on the domain. Case sensitive. By default, requests from all domains are logged.


Default: 1 * time.Second

FlushInterval configures how frequently Supergood sends batches of logs to the API. This parameter cannot be set directly in the Supergood dashboard and must be configured on the client.

Last updated