Setup for Node

The Node.js client is written in Typescript and is non-blocking.

The Supergood Node.js client connects Supergood to your Node.js application. Follow these steps to integrate with the Node.js client.

Install the Supergood library

npm install supergood@latest

Initialize the Supergood library

Environment variables

Set the environment variables SUPERGOOD_CLIENT_ID and SUPERGOOD_CLIENT_SECRET using the API keys generated in the getting started instructions.

Initialize the Supergood client at the root of your application, or anywhere you're making API calls with the following code:

const Supergood = require('supergood')


Passing keys

You can also pass the API keys in manually without setting environment variables.

Replace <CLIENT_ID> and <CLIENT_SECRET> with the API keys you generated in the getting started instructions.

const Supergood = require('supergood')

Supergood.init({ clientId: <CLIENT_ID>, clientSecret: <CLIENT_SECRET> })


Last updated